

Craft Magic: DYI art projects, recipes, gardening, and more inspiration

A Gallary of arts and crafts projects to inspire you!

Will over time add particular How-To Articles about specific things.

See articles below:

Sea Art & Garden

  • (see pics below for inspiration)



  • Raw Moisturizer Recipe (not yet uploaded)

Bubie's Gaviklta Recipe

bubie's gaviklta


Comes out as crunchy “rugala” style long-shaped cookie:


  • 1 stick margarine (1/2 cup)  softened or 1/2 cup Canola oil

  • 1  1/4 cups sugar

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/2 cup juice (any)

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Cream all above until smooth

Then in a separate bowl stir together:

  • 4 cups flour 

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon salt

Add flour mixture to creamed mixture until uniform in texture.

Divide into 5-6 sections (caution, will be sticky!) and liberally sprinkle with flour to get "workable". Knead in more flour if too sticky.

On clean large counter, sprinkle generously with flour and then flatten a piece of dough onto the surface. Sprinkle top with more flour so it's not sticky. Roll out dough as thin/thick as desired, then fill (see recipe below) and roll. Brush with egg if desired for more "crunch". Bake at 375 degrees until golden brown (30 minutes?)


  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder

  • 3/4 cup sugar

  • 6 Tablespoons jam

  • 3 Tablespoons of wine or juice or liqueur  (mix as you wish)

Beware! Cocoa powder is lightweight and may poof in your face, stir it in slowly.

Mix together until smooth, adjust sugar/cocoa for flavor sweetness (or all other ingredients adjust, still trying to figure out measurements). 

There are many shape options you can create:

1) More traditional: Roll it out with a rolling pin into large flat circle, coat filling with spatula layer, roll it up tight (like a yoga mat). Option to cut into smaller “ruggala” shapes, for more “end” crunchy cuts. Can make one long one or as many smaller trains as desired.

2) My favorite shape: using my hands to create cookie balls, and coat and fold into multi-layers cookie buns.

Option to coat in egg, for more of a crunch! the thinner the dough is rolled, the crunchier and more “bite” it has. With thicker dough, it becomes more of a chewy cookie.

Both are deliscous!

Julia Lesel