J.B. Lesel

Volunteering Q&A Blog

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Wildlife Research Volunteer Project: Kangaroos in the Outback, Australia

What Project was about (context):

Kangaroo behavior, specifically measuring “flight distance”, aka, how close you can get to individual females “as a dominance challenge”. This entailed trudging around the fields, looking for grazing kangaroo females to approach systematically for the test.

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Wildlife Research Volunteer Project: BATS

What Project was about (context):

To study the immune health of insect-eating bats in different agricultural ecosystems: organic vs conventional farming. In this case, where I was present, that part of the study took place in a huge almond orchard.

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Julia Lesel
6 Quirky Things (I Learned the Hard Way) About Italian Culture While Living with Families

Thinking of study abroad, teaching english, mingling with locals? For anyone who will be immersing themselves with locals in Italy, I put together a list of ways an American could embarrass themselves, as I have, living among Italians. :) Here are 6 cultural taboos I committed and you can avoid! 

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